
Wendy - 2004-08-14 23:55:52
One word, Dizamn! That was some good, no very good, reading Jackie. Too bad for me there isn't a man nearby, because after that, I sure need coolin'!
Jackie - 2004-08-14 23:58:40
Thanks for being my first comment ever.
Wendy - 2004-08-15 00:00:38
No problem cousin.
Incredipete - 2004-08-15 01:00:02
OMG... Jackie is running with the big dogs now! Congrats on your Supergold account! Nice entry, too. I'm pissed that I didn't get to be your first.
Wendy - 2004-08-15 04:02:26
Nice sentiments there Pete. But I couldn't help but notice your deliberate non-mention of the entry itself. Whatsa matter? Are you getting all hot and bothered again? Don't be bashful, I think everyone will run to a cold shower after reading that!
HRT - 2004-08-15 12:14:28
Very intense kid. Wow, how long ago was this now? Because I got so caught up with it you would've thought it just happened last week.
Jackie - 2004-08-15 17:48:05
It would have happened about ten years ago. If it had actually happened. Some parts are pulled from my experiences but mostly I have been trying my hand at fiction. Sorry to disappoint but I havent been dating psycho band members. I am quite normal and very happily married to a lovely man. Thanks for thinking it sounded real enough to be true though. Oh yeah, the ones that aren't about the band are true.
HRT - 2004-08-16 07:49:19
Excellent job kid. Keep up the good work! :)
Incredipete - 2004-08-16 08:02:16
True or not, I find myself with a distinct need for a cold shower every time I read your entries.
Jackie - 2004-08-16 10:04:36
Thanks, there will probably be more to come both real and contrived. Oh, and some regular stuff too.
Incredipete - 2004-08-16 10:26:14
It's so nice to have yet another place to come and leave my mark. I think you'll find that it's worth 18 bucks to have people fawning over you. lol
Jackie - 2004-08-16 13:05:49
Pete, if you feel like fawning then help me make my website look not so much like a barren crack den.
Incredipete - 2004-08-16 14:14:25
Sure Jackie, I'm happy to help you. I'll probably have some free time Tuesday and/or Thursday evening. We'll have to talk about what content etc. that you want. Email meand we'll get it started.
Incredipete - 2004-08-16 14:29:49
I'm humiliated that in my awesome display of HTML might, I left the space out between "me" and "and." Oh, the pain.
ticia - 2004-08-24 21:42:56
jackie - that was hot. very nice writing. you captured the feel of the moment even if it wasn't yours. you built up the tension and when it happened the reader (me) was excited and horrified at once. knowing of course that he would wake up and wondering the reaction - if he would secretly like it and join in or if he would lose his shit.

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