
warcrygirl - 2004-09-21 19:47:09
Ooooo, I am so jealous! I want a camera phone! Oh the freaks I could photograph...learn that phone, woman. I wanna see man-boobies! LOL
Wendy - 2004-09-21 20:13:39
I am as excited about the new phones as you are. They are so much fun. I am most hype about my personal "Sanford and Son" ring tone.

Ahh, the crappy black car. I know it well. Hold on to it. I may need it when I can't pay for my high dollar mini-van anymore.

Having addressed those two issues, I must now move on to the most important/interesting topic of your entry. Yeah, that's right, the sex part. This is one thing you take for granted when you are married. Sure, the timing is not always right but you can pretty much get it any time you want. And let's face it, sometimes bad sex is better than no sex. As terrible as it is to admit, I am closing in on about four months without any. Did you know that four months in "no sex months" is actually equivilant to one year (give or take a week)? It is true. So my advice is this: If you can get it, get it and get it often!!
Jackie - 2004-09-21 20:17:41
Before I forget---Tomorrow is Wendy's Birthday!!!!
sassykk - 2004-09-21 21:37:07
Wendy- I am on the same "no sex train to no more sexville". It sucks, and yet at the same time, I feel a bit proud that I haven't given in to the "ho, it's just sex" vibe. And yeah, happy freekin' bitrh day my sista'. May you get "laid" with mad mad "gifts". Livinlovin.... Repeat after me "do not look a gift horse (dare I say cock?) in the mouth..." Again..."do not look a gift .... Ya get the idea. Keep the much loathed runs, it rolls, it is PAID FOR. Recall the old saying "You can't avoid DEATH or TAXES" and in my world you need to add "CAR Payment"
maf - 2004-09-22 08:56:15
i love an entry that starts about sex - then starts talking about taking pictures of strangers for your own fun and amusememnt .... and wendy - if you've had no sex in 4 months - you can claim you're a virgin again - kids or no kids... but i'm gonna hve to disagree - sometimes bad sex is TOTALLY worse than no sex.
kaki - 2004-09-22 10:36:52
Sex? What is this foreign thing you call sex?
Jackie - 2004-09-22 12:23:49
ha ha--SEE and kaki is married too.
Jackie - 2004-09-22 12:39:04
woohoo--I figued out how to send myself the pictures I take with my phone so you will all be able to see freaks. Now, if only I can find some freaks....
Wendy - 2004-09-22 14:12:22
Check a few cubes over. You will find one known as "Long Face."
Jackie - 2004-09-22 15:09:38
You are killing me
Incredipete - 2004-09-22 16:39:03
Fortunately, thanks to the miracles of modern science, I no longer have any desire to have sex. Thank you lexapro!
maf - 2004-09-23 09:18:21
note to self: never take lexapro.
kaki - 2004-09-23 10:03:08
lol, pete...let's thank Zoloft too!
maf - 2004-09-23 10:20:28
that's why prozac is still my friend!
Incredipete - 2004-09-23 12:29:28
Maybe it's different for girls. You see, girls control the supply of sex. So as a male, I can honestly say, I used to think about sex constantly, but the girls just weren't going for it, so I gave up. Now I medicate, and the girls as they reach 30 suddenly want sex all the time. Ironically, I no longer want it. And so we come full circle.
maf - 2004-09-23 12:59:28
hakuna matatta.
Jackie - 2004-09-23 13:04:14
So you never want sex---somehow I doubt that. Nice try though.
Rick - 2004-09-23 13:17:55
we will have to regroup on the Rennfest and come up with weekend where it works. I walked around at work today with my zipper down for most of the morning and none of these jackasses bothered to tell me. Guess they thought it was revenge, wait till I do it all the time :) Sweet on the new phones! the proper term is "gadget whore" but techoween is also acceptable. We are going to PA this weekend right after work on Friday and I am so fuckin excited...not. Six hour trip from here. I got pictures from the tornado that hit the development so I will have to show you next time we see ya. Be very careful with the recorded ring messages...when the per happens to be your boss and he steps out of a hallway calling you and the announcement is "fucknuts calling" they may eventually catch on. Mine never did.
maf - 2004-09-23 14:03:59
fucknuts. thank you very much - i'm gonna be using that now. sweet!
Wendy - 2004-09-23 14:55:27
If the Lexapro truly makes you not want any then somebody needs to hook me up with a bountiful supply of it. It's not that I don't want sex, I want it bad. Real bad. But since I am not getting any I think life would be easier if I just didn't WANT it. Catch my drift? Picking up what I'm puttin down?
maf - 2004-09-23 15:05:44
what goes up, must come down. take from that what you will!
Incredipete - 2004-09-23 15:10:47
That was my point, exactly, Wendy. I wanted it and couldn't have it, so I did something about wanting it rather than doing something about not getting any...
Wendy - 2004-09-23 15:45:04
Pete, Isn't that something like punking out? I'm just askin'.....
maf - 2004-09-23 16:23:29
i say it's better to get it - than not. but then really, that's not that deep or profound of a thought now is it... don't answer that.
Wendy - 2004-09-23 17:29:20
I must point out that maf said "deep" in relation to getting it. Damn the subconscience!
maf - 2004-09-23 19:02:57
snicker .... good one wendy!

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