
sassykk - 2004-09-23 20:54:59
I miss the following.... Virginia landscapes...cheesecake...and questions as to when I was gonna' get knocked up. I lied about the last one. All you gotta do is tell "them" you are gay and hate children. Never mind the husband complication (I don't have to deal with that just yet)....just tell them you are gay and "they" will shut the F up. Stress the hatred of the small fries. That works best, despite the fact that it's a lie. Your front yard looks like my Dad's place in Mathews County (yes, it's with one "T").....can I come play with ya'll when I visit in OCT??
maf - 2004-09-23 20:56:47
again, i'm first. yay to me. and 7. how fuckin big is your yard?!?! and x. i get that whole kid things too ... people ask me - "don't you want kids?" and i just wanna punch them in the face ... of course i want them .... by damn dog has a "people" name - think about it ... but depending on my mood i either make up a story to make them feel like shit - of if they're a guy - i ask if they have 10 or 15 minutes free and wanna meet me in the breakroom and we can try to make one. wankers!!
maf - 2004-09-23 20:57:10
fuck. i thought i was first. woe to me!
Wendy - 2004-09-23 22:13:07
Hey, I know that yard. It is sweet. And let the record show that Jackerific even cuts all that grass. Why? Because riding lawn mowers are fun.

She will forevermore be known as "Doing shit the easy way."

My idol.......
Brian - 2004-09-23 22:17:01
She will forever be known as "I ain't push-mowin shit... mother effer". Let the record show that grass cutting at the house of Jackie and Brian is a joint affair. Brian does the trimming and push-mowing, Jackie does the riding. Not that I am not appreciative of my wife participating the grass cutting experience, I just had to defend my male grass cutting mojo. Can't have the general pop thinking I am laying back, slaving her out and shit.
maf - 2004-09-24 05:07:28
let the record show it's 5:18 in the frekin am .. that is officially o'dark hundred ... and this line made me laugh so hard i woke up the dog .......Brian does the trimming and push-mowing, Jackie does the riding.
Jackie - 2004-09-24 08:15:12
tee hee maf is so funny at 5:18 in the frekin am.... and I just want to say mojo mojo mojo mojo mojo mojo...that is fun. mojo.
Incredipete - 2004-09-24 08:20:04
What the eff are you growing in your yard? Wheat? Geez. I thought Kansas was bad...
Jackie - 2004-09-24 08:37:25
Pete--Soybeans. Wendy--Weren't you just telling me last night how your neighbor (the hug one) was going to cut your grass---for free (and by that I mean no money)
Wendy - 2004-09-24 08:38:44
Allow me to answer that Jackie. What you see are SOY BEANS tard. You see they turn brown when they are about to be harvested. And those tall things in the background with green tops, they are called TREES. I know you are not accustomed to those either so there ya go!
Wendy - 2004-09-24 08:43:19
Your recollection is splendid on a Friday. I will be needing to take him up on that too. My hope is that he will do it shirtless. It won't be this evening though as tonight is movie night at my house. People will surely talk as both of my children will be away from home. Scandalous!!
maf - 2004-09-24 08:49:17
wendy - are you going to do the riding, after he mows... i hope so!!
Incredipete - 2004-09-24 11:00:20
We don't grow soy beans in Kansas. And no, we don't have trees either.
Wendy - 2004-09-24 11:13:18
If I must maf, if I must. The thing is I am a good, fair person and I cannot, will not let a good deed go unappreciated. Mama raised me betterin at.

Also not found in Kansas: Sweet ass hussies such as maf, Wendy and Jackie. That state is so lacking...
Incredipete - 2004-09-24 12:09:37
At least Kansas has the beautiful vet tech...

I just liked this entry extra because Jackster used the F word in the title...
maf - 2004-09-24 12:18:04
are you gonna let me call that vet tech and hook you up petey pete!?
Jackie - 2004-09-24 12:19:52
vet tech schmet tech, we are some hype ass mutha's
Wendy - 2004-09-24 12:48:00
Forget Pete, maf. See if the Indian man has a friend for me. I'm nice!
Wendy - 2004-09-24 13:03:55
Oh and watch out Abby. Your so called "Daddy" will be poisoning you agian soon.
Incredipete - 2004-09-24 14:17:19
Abby's the one that touched the tech's butt and boobies, not me. If there's a guilty party here, it's her.
Jackie - 2004-09-24 14:19:44
Go abby! Help a daddy out.
Wendy - 2004-09-24 14:41:25
Yeah, blame it on the dog.....
Incredipete - 2004-09-24 14:41:59
I think "Abby" and the tech's puppy need to have a "play date." I'm just saying...
Jackie - 2004-09-24 14:44:57
Bring plenty of chew toys.
maf - 2004-09-24 15:15:51
just ask her out already!
HRT - 2004-09-24 16:50:14
I wasn't actively ignoring you sis.

Anyway, around these parts they have a place called "My Gym" and yes it is a "gym" for kids, but not like with stairmasters and such. It basically is an indoor playground with structured activities so that little yuppie parents can drop their kids off their yuppie kids, while they go out to the mall and buy more useless shit their kids don't want in order to alleviate the guilt of never actually spending quality time with their kids.
Wendy - 2004-09-24 18:12:15
What the hell is HRT talking about? Oh yeah, the entry. My bad. How dare he?
ticia - 2004-10-23 22:29:05
hey jackie. you know what i hated the most about the pregnant comments? i have a child and my friends all seemed to be preggers then too. but (and here is the one of the major differences between us) i Stopped popping them out, they didn't. so as soon as they would get knocked up again everyone would ask me 'sooo, when are You going to have another?' like one wasn't enough. or like i had to follow someone else's schedule. i only wanted one and perhpaps another when she was like 10 or something. i wanted to dedicate my all to just here and not share w/ another baby. it used to piss me off that i had to defend myself to other people why i didn't feel like repopulating the planet single-handedly. ok. i will stop ranting. and your gym comment made me rembember this really freaky link my friend sent me. it was this boy of about 6 0r 7 that was a bodybuilder, it was really gross. i did a search on google and can not find it tho so i will ask him on monday and put it here if i find it. just to make you blanche.

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