
warcrygirl - 2004-10-25 16:37:51
Oh the cravings! With Jr it was chili dogs and bean burritos from Taco Bell. With The Captain it was anything sweet. And you may want to hold off buying too many shoes until after you've recovered from the prenancy. If your pregnancy is anything like mine your feet will change a bit. But then again, my babies were both over 9 feet flattened a bit and my shoe size went up 1/2 size.

maf - 2004-10-25 16:59:38
i have a gift certificate ON MY PERSON for a dozen free KK's and i have to drive past one to get home ... if you lived here - i'd get them and bring them to you - hot and now!
Jackie - 2004-10-25 18:58:14
I love you maf.
Brian - 2004-10-25 19:01:24
Of course you can get the effing shoes. You know I am a total sucker for your pleas...
Incredipete - 2004-10-25 19:57:47
I just hope that when I'm 55 I'm marrying a 23 year old. Heck, I'd like to marry a 23 year old right now, dangit. In fact, forget "MARRY"... I'd just like to "DO" a 23 year old right now.
Wendy - 2004-10-25 21:17:48
You are so funny my cousin. "Think of my womb." I will have to use that the next time I get married and have a kid with my next husband---not some 55 year old geezer.

Two words: Poor Pete.

Three words: Krispy Kreme Rules.
Jackie - 2004-10-26 08:28:47
Brian you are a fine and loving man.
Stacey - 2004-10-26 14:33:31
Jax, you have made me laugh aloud today, and for that, I thank you. And offer my services as a doughnut-bearer.
Incredipete - 2004-10-26 22:52:11
FYI - I've gone live once again.
Rick - 2004-10-27 12:34:12
Just catching up her Jackie. Read the last and this one together (lame I know). I just finished laughing over naming a boy Brady. I can see it now Brady! and we all say what? I like Isabella, also like Rachael-makes me picture brown curly hair on a girl. Don't know why, don't know any Rachaels. Sarah-no way. I keep hearing the words from the song that goes Don't remember the rest. Be well and watch for the "hot light"
ticia - 2004-10-28 21:05:59
you know jackie, you are even more entertaining now that you are knocked up. being preggers must agree with you. you are a hoot. most def had me giggling before you even pointed out how hip you are. my daughter and i, btw, are too hip for words. *cellie we decided is our new fave - haaayyy, can i have cellie? sorry, on cellie, can't talk...yes, i know. dorky* and i do admire your restraint w/ the no shoes thing. i gave the makster a halloween card that says 'whether you're a good witch or a bad witch...' and on the inside ''s all about the shoes.' let me tell you, it is not a good thing when your 8 yr old daughter gets ya on the shoe front. i mean she has to have specific boots for specific skirts...ok. enough shoe talk. brian, you are da man. way to be a very good hubby. Pete - i got id'd the other day so i could pretend to be 23 if you want. just trying to help so as you know. oh, jackie, not to be redundant but you may want to consider the suggestion about shoes and size. mak was only 7lbs and i still went up 1/2 size. *of course i still have the ones i loved in the hopes that my feet will shrink back to a 6...*

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