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My Last 5 Diary Entries

Pet My Shoe - 2005-01-24
Be a Hater - 2005-01-05
lazy ass - 2004-12-30
Layta Teller Exceptions - 2004-11-10
Holla-ween - 2004-10-29

The Three People That Actually Read This

Wendy Rules the Ottoman Empire
HRT - Humility X
Sweet Pete

2004-08-22 - 11:19 a.m.

I don't enjoy being sniffed

Friday night I was at the mall. We went out to dinner at a great Mexican restaurant. The mall was just built last year, it is a lovely open air mall with a great atmosphere. They have an outside fountain that they let children play in and most weekends they have live music. Also they allow dogs.

I said-also they allow dogs.

WTF. I like dogs. They are cute, they are even sweet and loyal. They also poop and shed and bark and sniff. Sniffing is what a Doberman was doing to me in Restoration Hardware. Poop is what I almost stepped in when I walked past The Gap. Oh, and barking is the huge fight I witnessed between two poodles outside Build-a-Bear. There comes a time when you have to say no. This is that time-and place.

I never had a pet growing up so yes I am probably biased but let me tell you something, I don�t want to fawn all over some strangers dog. When that Doberman was up on me in Restoration Hardware the first thing the damm owner did was say � awww, he likes you�.Then I have to bend over for the obligatory pet and slobber or seem like an axe murderer.

I used to live in an apartment complex and the �dog park� was right next to my building. It was really the �dog toilet� because that is where everyone brought their dogs to take a crap and ignore the signs that basically said don�t leave your dog�s crap lying around. (you know who you are 1A and 2C). These people would also always let their dogs jump on me. This seemed to happen every time I was dressed for work or a night out. And ALWAYS the same phrase was uttered �awww, he likes you� Is this supposed to be a compliment? Am I now supposed to be happy that my pantyhose have a run from where your pooch clawed my leg?

Now, having said that I will put forth a disclaimer. My sister-in-law has two Australian Sheppard�s that are lovely creatures. They are sweet and loveable, they do not jump nor slobber on me. I have seen her physically hold them back rather than assume people want them in their face. They do shed occasionally.

But hey�don�t we all?

8 - Will the three people that actually read this please say something

in - out

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