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My Last 5 Diary Entries

Pet My Shoe - 2005-01-24
Be a Hater - 2005-01-05
lazy ass - 2004-12-30
Layta Teller Exceptions - 2004-11-10
Holla-ween - 2004-10-29

The Three People That Actually Read This

Wendy Rules the Ottoman Empire
HRT - Humility X
Sweet Pete

2004-08-23 - 7:22 p.m.

Bliss of Solitude

Sometimes I turn inward.

When this happens you will not reach me.

I can listen to music and go to work.

But I am in my mind,and I am not with you.

I am with him.

He is the best and worst of my soul. He is my lust and my greed.

My quiet.

I am uncovered here.

I allow my heart to roam.

There is a rhythm to silence. It is sweet and deep.

When you slide into the warm blackness, you don�t know when you will surface or how far down you will sink.

That is the sorrow and the joy.

There are complexities to silence, even when you aren�t alone.

11 - Will the three people that actually read this please say something

in - out

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