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My Last 5 Diary Entries

Pet My Shoe - 2005-01-24
Be a Hater - 2005-01-05
lazy ass - 2004-12-30
Layta Teller Exceptions - 2004-11-10
Holla-ween - 2004-10-29

The Three People That Actually Read This

Wendy Rules the Ottoman Empire
HRT - Humility X
Sweet Pete

2004-08-29 - 12:40 p.m.

Me too! Me too!

You know I had to jump on the bandwagon. So here go my list.

1. I am a freak about shoes.

2. I recently cleaned out my shoe closets and got rid of 37 pairs.

3. This left me with only 97 pairs.

4. In the past two weeks, I bought 3 more pairs to bring it up to an even 100.

5. After I try on shoes, I never know what to do with the footy.

6. My front yard is a soybean field.

7. Last year was corn.

8. I love the smell of (in no particular order) coffee, ribs, good scotch, clean sheets, and freshly washed male.

9. I have been told that I am �down�.

10. I choose not to elaborate on #9 because you will not know what this means unless you too are �down�. (sorry Pete)

11. I am a good fucking cook.

12. My idea of �homemade spaghetti� is when you make the noodles from flour and egg, and the sauce from real tomatoes.

13. I am very smug about this.

14. I am also very proud to have used the word �smug� in a sentence.

15. I love an English accent.

16. But not as much as Irish.

17. And not as much as Scottish.

18. My favorite word is Sassenach.

19. If you ever read the book �Outlander� you will know why.

20. Wendy is the only �girl-friend� I have ever had that let�s me be completely myself.

21. I am married to my best friend in the whole world.

22. I love him with all of my heart and part of my soul.

23. I sometimes feel guilty when people talk about what they want out of a relationship because I have it.

24. Even so, I still sometimes take it for granted.

25. I know that is fucked up.

26. I sometimes cry when I watch the Olympics.

27. It is because I am proud of our country.

28. No matter who is running it.

29. That was not a slam on George Bush.

30. I have known 6 people personally who have �died before their time�

31. 5 of them have been violent.

32. 4 of them have been shot.

33. 4 of them I have been exceedingly close too, so close in fact that I have spent the night at their houses.

34. 3 of them were related to each other.

35. I feel that I am well acquainted with death.

36. It has marked a part of me.

37. I am sometimes very afraid now that I will lose people.

38. I say a prayer every time I part with the people I love.

39. I don�t dwell on depressing things.

40. Mango lip butter from �The Body Shop� is straight love.

41. �Mac� is my favorite make-up.

42. I am in love with good music.

43. One of my favorite song lyrics is �Please mother mercy take me from this place, and the longwinded curses I hear in my head.�

44. Sometimes I leave work in the middle of the day to walk outside and feel the sunshine on my face.

45. Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night to stand alone in the moonlight.

46. I know I am a sap.

47. I love musicals.

48. I often sing along.

49. In my last two years of high school, I spent half of each day in the �Center for the Performing Arts.�

50. My emphasis was drama.

51. Each year we wrote, directed and starred in our own play.

52. I had a great fucking time in high school.

53. I did a lot of fun stuff and had a lot of friends and enjoyed myself and I wasn�t a geek or a nerd. Sorry.

54. I don�t miss it.

55. Having money and a great car is way better.

56. Plus you get to live with a boy and have sex whenever you want to.

57. I got laid last night.

58. I stopped using birth control in June.

59. I am scared as shit.

60. Happy too.

61. My new favorite phrase is either �yay me� or �yay you� (thank-you MAF)

62. If I tell you �thiinx� instead of �thanks�, I am really telling you to fuck off.

63. If I say �thanks your nice� I really really like you.

64. I say �thiinx� a lot.

65. I am trying to be nicer.

66. One of my favorite people ever is my grandfather.

67. I will write about him sometime.

68. I hate man boobs.

69. I would probably make out with Angelina Jolie for the lips.

70. I would definitely make out with Orlando Bloom.

71. I love the movie �Troy� only because you get to see Orlando Bloom�s candy trail and Brad Pitt�s ass.

72. Speaking of making out�.I liked when Dave Navarro was part of the Chili Peppers because he made out with Anthony Kiedis in a video.

73. I know that �Carrabbas and Outback� are owned by the same company.

74. I owe a debt of gratitude to those people.

75. I think HRT is funny as shit.

76. He reminds me a little bit of my Husband.

77. I don�t really care about drinking.

78. I am ALWAYS the designated driver.

79. I have thought about taking up drinking just so I wouldn�t have to do it anymore.

80. I am glad I started a diary.

81. I have missed writing.

82. I am also glad to get to know so many interesting people like myself.

83. By that I mean sick fucks.

84. I work with some of the best people in the world.

85. They are like a second family.

86. Over half of them are black women over the age of 40.

87. Ok, let�s say 34.

88. They have given me new appreciation for the term �down home cooking�

89. And the term �greens�

90. I am 30.

91. It doesn�t make me feel old; it makes me feel like a grown-up.

92. I broke my foot in May.

93. It broke so loud I heard it crack.

94. So did Wendy.

95. We laughed about it for like ten minutes in the emergency room.

96. I think I am done now.

97. Thiinx

98. Just kidding.

99. You�re all nice.

100. The end.

14 - Will the three people that actually read this please say something

in - out

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