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My Last 5 Diary Entries

Pet My Shoe - 2005-01-24
Be a Hater - 2005-01-05
lazy ass - 2004-12-30
Layta Teller Exceptions - 2004-11-10
Holla-ween - 2004-10-29

The Three People That Actually Read This

Wendy Rules the Ottoman Empire
HRT - Humility X
Sweet Pete

2004-09-13 - 4:25 p.m.

You've gotta ask yourself

So the world as I see it, is divided into two sections. The people who have a little rock-n-roll in them-- and the people who don�t. (And I don�t mean the dumb Donny and Marie Osmond shit either.) Having a little rock-n-roll in you is a state of being. It doesn�t necessarily mean you have to listen to Jimi Hendrix or Led Zeppelin (although let�s face it �life is better that way) it just means that sometimes instead of living in the present�you live in your soul, and for your soul.

I have comprised a little list to illustrate. So here we go�On a sunny day�you purposely put in your favorite music, turn it up, and roll down all the windows. You stay this way at the stoplight. If you�ve ever shared a smile with a stranger. If it is a warm summer night and you have chosen to sit outside and talk instead of being shut-up in the AC watching TV. If you have ever totally forgotten to watch your favorite show and not just purposely skipped it. If you have ever truly told at least one person to fuck-off and not just thought it. If you have ever looked someone in the eyes when you told them you loved them. If you do at least one new thing a year, even if it�s only walking to the top of Clingman�s Dome. If you have ever grabbed the person you love and shared a dance in the living room on a week night. If you have ever admitted you were wrong. If you�ve ever been moved to tears by something you have read or heard, not WATCHED but read or heard. If once in while, you actually listen to what someone else is saying and not just wait for your turn to talk. If you have ever just let go. One of my favorite poems is by e.e. cummings and I have it hanging up in my house. I am probably breaking some kind of rule by posting it but like I said�I �m a little rock-n-roll.

let it go-the

smashed word broken

open vow or

the oath cracked length

wise-let it go it

was sworn to


let them go-the

truthful liars and

the false fair friends

and the boths and

neithers-you must let them go they

were born

to go

let all go-the

big small middling

tall bigger really

the biggest and all

things-let all go


so comes love

e.e. cummings

I love that, I really do. Anyway there are about a million other things I could add to this list but let�s face it�if you have a little rock-n-roll in you---you don�t need me to tell you---you just need to put another dime in and dance with me.

12 - Will the three people that actually read this please say something

in - out

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