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My Last 5 Diary Entries

Pet My Shoe - 2005-01-24
Be a Hater - 2005-01-05
lazy ass - 2004-12-30
Layta Teller Exceptions - 2004-11-10
Holla-ween - 2004-10-29

The Three People That Actually Read This

Wendy Rules the Ottoman Empire
HRT - Humility X
Sweet Pete

2004-09-15 - 10:29 p.m.

What's not to love?

Sometimes I can�t think straight. I hate to bleed it on to here. I know it should be witty and refreshing and make your day brighter.

When I was in high school we had to do these timed writings. This is where you just wrote for about 15 minutes without really stopping or thinking, kind of like stream of consciousness. Some of my best work would come out of it because I didn�t have time to check myself.

I want, I want, I want. I am so tired of hearing people tell me what they want. Go fucking get it. If you don�t feel like working that hard for it then you really don�t want it. Also don�t be pissed at me, I don�t have the things I have by luck. I am not talking about material things. I am happy.

I am happy.

Sometimes I feel like people work to shit on that. If you aren�t happy then odds are it is your own fault. I don�t mean people who lost a loved one or have a disease. I mean people who are pissy in their day to day life. Get the fuck over it. Nobody else owes you shit. Think about what you owe yourself and haven�t paid.

I am happiest when I am laughing. I love people and jokes and long dinners. I hate movies where people die. I have not always had money (though I have always been gorgeous) I haven�t ever had more than 3 or 4 extremely close friends. But I have always worked to make myself happy. I think that shows itself to other people. It is like MAF said�I have come to a point where � I am a happy girl. A calm and happy in my soul� This is just an aside but our TV is really fucking loud�I can hardly concentrate over the howls of pain from the death movie Brian is watching in Dolby digital. Anyway I know I don�t have all the answers and I know it is a precarious thing�life. But as Garrison Keillor once said �life is what you make it�make the best of it� . with love j.

15 - Will the three people that actually read this please say something

in - out

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